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ABCers - Carole Lexa Schaefer, Pierr Morgan “ABCers” by Carole Lexa Schaefer and illustrated by Pierr Morgan is a picture book for not only young readers, but for older readers who may be English language learners.

On one level, it’s an ABC book. It begins with the letter A, ends with the letter Z, and is filled in between with simply illustrated pictures of children doing fun child activities like licking ice cream, giving giggles, splashing water and asking questions.

What makes this a great book for English language learners and primary students is the way that each sentence is written. “A is for arm linkers.” Teaching suffixes is a wonderful way to increase a child’s vocabulary. Studies have shown that if a child is taught prefixes and suffixes, his or her vocabulary will improve more than a child just taught vocabulary words.

The simple picture book is a great way to teach one of the most basic suffixes, “er.” Children are fascinated that when one takes the word “bake” and adds an “er” to make “baker,” it means “someone who bakes.” Those children will love this book.

Read the whole review at: http://www.examiner.com/review/abcers-by-carole-lexa-schaefer-is-a-wonderfully-different-abc-picture-book